November 29, 2012 marked the 76th birthday of a true original, Jerry Poteet.

Decades ago, he used to “share” birthday parties and cakes with his martial arts teacher and friend, Bruce Lee. Jerry recalled at one such party where he and Bruce showed up wearing the same brown cords, desert boots and cut off sweatshirt. He said that Bruce did a double-take, and shot him a glare.

Jerry just shrugged and said, “It’s my birthday, too”! They both laughed and feasted on cake.

Anyone who ever met Sifu Jerry for even five minutes, will never forget him.

And for those of us fortunate to know him for years or decades, he enriched our lives in ways we can only begin to understand.

After Jerry’s passing, I heard from people all over the world who knew him only briefly through a seminar or class, or by reading his articles. They are still, years later, astonished at the profound and positive impact he had on their lives. In fact, Jerry told me the same had happened to him. At the time he trained with Bruce Lee, he did not realize how it would change his life. Some years after his teacher’s passing, he was driving down the freeway, and finally had the epiphany he’d hoped for. He laughed, since Bruce told him, “someday, years from now, you’ll be driving down the freeway, and IT will finally happen.”

And so it did…

On this day, we honor Jerry’s Legacy by remembering the twinkle in his brilliant blue eyes when he laughed, recalling the great meals he cooked after a training session, and most of all, the love and loyalty he had for his teacher, students and friends. I think I speak for all of us when I proclaim that..the feelings are mutual.

Happy Birthday, Jerry!

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