“Imagine” by Sifu Fran Poteet-Joseph

As we are about to embark on a series of Events for the JPJKD Association, I am reminded of the many times Sifu Jerry and I travelled to give Workshops and Seminars here in the US and overseas.

Jerry loved sharing his art with anyone who would listen and have “an empty cup”. Differences in language were no barrier since his personalized Jeet Kune Do teaching spoke volumes. I loved watching the student’s first reaction when Jerry walked into the room and greeted each person warmly, and then, when he moved, they were stunned by his explosive speed and power. Jerry disdained what he called “filler” in a class. When students would ask him if they were going to stretch, Sifu’s eyes would light up, and he would just reply, “yes.. your imagination”.

Unlike many teachers, Jerry never liked to be a “star” at seminars. Rather than be the focus of attention, he preferred to give all the energy to the participants. Like his famous teacher and creator of Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee, Jerry never sought to be a cult figure as an Instructor of the art. For him, the purpose of the JPJKD Events was to make all the students better in their skills than before they arrived and also to have the time of your life while doing so! He did not need the accolades and hype that others seemed to require. In fact, it always puzzled him when people touted themselves as the “fastest this” or “most powerful that”. “Don’t watch him, watch his students.” was his comment…”The purpose of teaching is to make the OTHER person great!”

The best moments in a seminar or lesson occurred for Sifu when he saw “the light come on” in a student’s eyes once described as “Ah-ha!” moments by one of my JPJKD certified instructors, Sifu Joel Ledlow. Those of us who were fortunate enough to train with Jerry Poteet recall those precious “Ah-ha’s” vividly. Jerry referred to them as “enlightenment”, and eventually that state of liberation happened for many of his students. Speaking for myself, it happened after a period of frustration. I felt that I was always just on “the brink” of breaking through. Sifu would admonish me, “Get out of your own way, you already have it”. And sure enough, I did. (Where was IT hiding all that time?)

It is this gift and passion for JPJKD that we will be sharing with others in the upcoming year. Please stay tuned to our site and Facebook page for upcoming announcements of dates and locations for 2015!

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